Sunday, November 3, 2013

Barocci's Biography

Federico Barocci was born around 1533. He is from the providence of Urbino. During the time of his childhood, Urbino was becoming a famous region for producing great artists, like Raphael. Federico Barocci’s artistic training started from at an early age. His father, Ambrogio Baroccio, a watchmaker, and his uncle, Bartolommeo Genga helped gain him his first apprenticeship with Battista Franco Veneziano, called Il Semolei. Il Semolei was based in Ubrino, where Federico lived with his family. Other artists Federico apprenticied with were his uncle, Barolommeo Genga, Francesco Manzocchi and Taddeo Zuccari. Little seems to be known about Barocci’s life, even though he had a personal biographer. We do know that he only went to Rome two times in his entire life. The first time was to study during the 1550s and the second time was during the early 1560s for a commission from Pope Pius IV. However, it is believed that last trip to Rome was the artist’s undoing. During a picnic in 1563, a rival poisoned him, causing him to return to Urbino where he lived the rest of his days. He died in 1612


1 comment:

  1. It seems that all the artists of this time were brought up out of rich families. I would like to see a famous one that started form the bottom.
